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Creating Positive Change;

GTU Initiatives

Providing a Home and Hope For Mireya Pujols

This fundraiser aims to raise $1,500 to support Mireya Pujoles, a resident facing financial hardship in the Dominican Republic. Your donation will help cover Mireya's cost of living for a year, offering her greater stability and alleviating some of the burdens on her family. Together, we can make a difference in Mireya's life.

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Ship Hope: Sending Love Across Borders

This fundraiser by Giving the Unexpected aims to raise $1,500 to cover shipping costs for essential supplies to communities in Bani and San Jose de Ocoa.

Your donation will directly help:

  • Children in orphanages: Receive school supplies and resources to thrive.
  • Churches: Strengthen their communities with vital equipment.
  • Future community facility: Provide essential hygiene supplies, host family events, and become a central hub of support.

By contributing, you'll be a part of creating a brighter future filled with opportunity, hope, and a stronger sense of community.

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Bridging Brighter Futures for Jehovah Jireh Foundation

Our fundraiser endeavors to raise $1,500 to provide essential support to Jehovah Jireh Foundation in San Cristobal, Dominican Republic. Your generous contribution will directly aid in providing clothing, school supplies, and vital resources to children living at the orphange of the Jehovah Jireh Foundation. By donating, you're offering these young hearts a brighter future and the tools they need to thrive. Together, let's make a lasting impact on the lives of these deserving children.

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How Can You Help?

Support our cause in three meaningful ways:

Give a Monetary Donation

Every dollar makes a difference and brings us closer to our goal.

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Create a Facebook Fundraiser Share it with your friends and family to help us reach our target.

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Give Monthly Towards Our Initiatives

Your monthly gift will provide long-term stability and allow us to make an even greater impact.

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Give a Monetary/Monthly Donation

Every dollar makes a difference and brings us closer to our goal.

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Create a Facebook Fundraiser

Share it with your friends and family to help us reach our target.

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